Just as the President of the United States undergoes an annual checkup and physical every year, it makes sense that they should undergo an annual…
California Psychiatric and Psychology Resources
Most successful and beneficial relationships include an element of trust. Expecting loyalty, reliability and trustworthiness you assume that the other person will do what they…
Our ability to be resonant with ourselves is a key for bringing healing into our life. “Why am I so stupid?” “I am such a…
People respond with anger when they feel hurt, upset, frustrated, afraid or threatened in some way. As one of the most powerful of emotions, anger…
As we enter the New Year, it’s customary for us to resolve to lose weight, get fit, save money, be better organized. How successful are…
Having kids is miraculous and meaningful. And it also tends to disrupt a couple’s emotional connection and sink their relationship satisfaction. Which makes sense. It’s…
A simple and effective end of year ritual is to carve out a little time for yourself to meditate and journal. The holidays can be…
Amidst the rising tensions in the world around us, people are finding themselves in the unique position of having to make hard decisions about choosing…
There’s so much out there that beckons—family, friends, ethnic textiles, and, more recently, the writers’ world. I am compelled to answer the call—all the calls!…