After an emergency room visit on Thanksgiving, Dr. Gordon reflects on treatments for injury vs. psychiatric conditions. Source: NIH
California Psychiatric and Psychology Resources
A singular cutoff point for school entry results in age differences between children of the same grade. In many school systems, September-born children, begin compulsory…
Is the US the world’s most uptight nation regarding sex? Maybe not the most, but certainly among them. For example, the US has more laws…
Happy Saturday, Psych Central readers! This week’s Psychology Around the Net takes a look at what “self-care” actually means for many people with mental illnesses,…
Embodied Cognition is a branch of neuroscience which explores the unconscious effects of touch (and other senses) on the mind and emotions. Soft Things Touching…
Everything is harder when you have an illness. It feels like you’re always trying to catch up. You can barely get by during the rest…
Joshua A. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., Director of NIMH, has been promoted to Fellow status by the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology based on his scientific reputation,…
The NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) unit holds monthly virtual “office hours” via video conference. Discussion topics may include the basic principles of the initiative,…
Everything always going wrong? Ask yourself these questions. Do you think that your life should be a reality TV show since it’s just a series…